But like most of her fellow migrants, she vowed to "keep trying" until she gets into the United States.
Darwin Vidal, 33, said he was struggling to garner the strength for what lay ahead: battling not only rough terrain but also being at the mercy of poisonous snakes and other wild animals, as well as criminal groups.
"I got lost for three days in the jungle with my family. With my children, we were going too slowly. We couldn't keep up with the group, we fell behind, and got lost" for a scary while, he said.
Rusbelis Serrano, 18, said she thought the worst was over.
"My mom, my dad, my brothers are waiting for me" in the United States, Serrano told AFP.
"I don't have much left. I have to keep trying."
The authorities in Panama say at least 100 people have died crossing the Darien since 2018, about half of them in 2021 -- the deadliest year so far.